Q&A with Julian Fasen, graduate of 2022

Q&A with Julian Fasen, graduate of 2022

05/15/2024 - 14:04

Meet our TDM alumnus Julian Fasen and read about his current job and experiences about the job and BUas!
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Julian, where do you work now and what is your position?
After finalising the Master Tourism Destination Management, I applied for a job at Flix. I am currently working for the Benelux business region as a Junior Business Development Manager. Flix is commonly known as “that company with the green busses’’ but is in reality a tech mobility provider offering mobility in the form of bus rides and train rides.

What does Flix stand for?
Connecting people and places is our main activity. However, Flix wants to not only bring people from A to B but provide an affordable and environmentally friendly form of transportation. Sustainability is a big part of wat Flix revolves around, it is not by chance our vision revolves around painting the world green with smart, affordable and sustainable travel. 

What is your role within Flix?
My role within the Benelux team is to make sure all business-related topics are dealt with regarding our Dutch Bus Partners. Yes, Flix does not own its own busses but works together with bus companies who provide the famous green bus and the drivers.]

Can you describe a day in the life of Julian?
A typical day for me is difficult to describe. It may sound cliché, but no day is the same. I think the best way to describe my job is being the linchpin connecting all different stakeholders to make sure everything goes smoothly for our Dutch Bus Partners.

Why did you apply for this job?
The reason I chose this job was because Flix is heavily investing in sustainability, I wanted to work somewhere where I would have the feeling I was doing something to help people to travel in a more sustainable manner.

What do you like most about your job?
There are a lot of things I like about my job; I get to travel for work through Europe and the overall atmosphere within Flix I find amazing. It is a young company with a very diversified range of employees, which makes it a very nice place to work. Flix does not have a very formal atmosphere either, so I can wear my comfortable clothes instead of a suit at work!

Can you actually use what you learned during your studies in your work? 
Todya we work together with around 10 Dutch bus companies, which I am responsible for when it comes to business-related topics. Something I learnt during my TDM studies which I use in my work is understanding the context of the different companies. An example I can give is that by better understanding the context of each individual partner I can understand if a partner is interested in growing with us or is happy with what they have. This understanding creates a better understanding of the bus partners as a stakeholder and strengthens the relationship between Flix and the bus companies.

Are there any skills that you find typical of BUas and now turn out to be quite valuable in your work environment?
A skill typical of BUas is working in a team. At Flix I need to work with a lot of different teams to make everything work such as our operations team, legal team, planning team, etc.