Save the date for tourism conferences!

Save the date: tourism conferences!

05/16/2024 - 11:05

Will you be there? Several events are coming up on our beautiful BUas campus in the coming months. We would be more than happy to welcome you at one (or more) of these events!
  • Expertise
  • News
  • Research

CBTS 2024 
Transforming Tourism Through More Sustainable Consumer Behaviour 
23 to 26 June 2024

The annual Consumer Behaviour in Tourism Symposium (CBTS) provides an opportunity for tourism scholars and practitioners to exchange ideas, share perspectives, present scientific studies and explore their findings. Just like in previous years, CBTS 2024 will offer both established and emerging researchers as well as practitioners the chance to engage in discussions about innovative research directions and practical applications within the field.

The theme of the conference is Transforming Tourism through More Sustainable Consumer Behaviour and the event will investigate various perspectives of addressing the challenges surrounding consumer behaviour and developing more sustainable tourism options.

Registration via

ATLAS Annual Conference 2024 
Leisure & Tourism 2030: Navigating the Future 
25 to 28 June 2024

The ATLAS Annual Conference 2024 ‘Leisure & Tourism 2030: Navigating the Future’ aims to bring together researchers, educators and innovators to explore the future of leisure and tourism, and how we can adapt to the changing landscape. The conference will cover topics such as the impact of technology on travel, the rise of sustainability in leisure and tourism, societal impacts, and the changing preferences of consumers. 

The United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) has adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. This agenda sets out a global framework to end poverty, fight inequality and injustice, and fix climate change by 2030. The conference will try to build on this Agenda through engaging keynote speeches, parallel sessions, interactive panels, and networking opportunities

More information and registration at

CBTS – ATLAS Industry Day – Powered by CELTH
Sustainability Transformations in Tourism & Leisure 
Wednesday 26 June 2024

The focus of this day is to bring together industry, education and academics in tourism, leisure and hospitality. On this day, you will receive state-of-the-art inspiration from speakers and panellists from the sector, sharing their vision, insights and best practices. Be inspired by their stories and learn why their best practices make a difference in the industry.

This day can be visited as a stand-alone one-day event, but is also an integrated part of the programme of the Consumer Behaviour in Tourism Conference (24 to 26 June) and the ATLAS 2024 Conference (26 to 28 June). 

BUas alumni can register for a special discounted fee via

TRMC 2024 
What Now? What’s Next? The Future of Tourism Retailing 
9 to 11 October 2024

The sixth annual International Tourism Retail Management Conference (TRMC) provides an opportunity for tourism researchers, graduate students and industry practitioners to exchange ideas, share perspectives, present studies, and explore their findings and thoughts on Retailing and Tourism.

Building on past conference themes and insights, the TRMC 2024 Conference will focus, on for instance, changing consumer motivations and behaviours, ‘retailtainment’, new technologies and retailing, sustainability, culture and ethics, creating a sense of place and product, and creating, managing and improving retail service interactions.

Will you join us?