Master Tourism Destination Management theses

Master Tourism Destination Management theses

10/23/2023 - 12:42

This will give you a good insight into the scope of the Master programme Tourism Destination Management as well as provide you with a interesting resource of quality tourism research papers.
  • Research
  • Student work

Exploring favelas  
This example is produced by Ana Carolina Antunes Brandão and deals with the different uses of slum tourism in addressing poverty narratives and their impacts on placemaking.

Exploring favelas

The Digital Bow
This example is produced by Anna Freitag and deals with the topic of empowering initiatives of indigenous community-based tourism.   

The Digital Bow 

Destination image and risk perception of Myanmar
This example is produced by Chiara Di Blasio and deals with the topic of ‘Destination image and risk perception of Myanmar. (The Italian market perspective)’. 

Destination image and risk perception of Myanmar

The Position of Lake Toba  
This example is produced by Vivian Termaat and deals with the topic of The Position of Lake Toba within the “10 new Bali” Project (A Focus on Community Participation). 

The Position of Lake Toba