Growth opportunities for tourism in a climate-neutral world

Growth opportunities for tourism in a climate-neutral world

03/08/2023 - 15:02

Dutch researchers including Professor Paul Peeters of BUas, the Centre of Expertise in Leisure Tourism and Hospitality, the European Tourism Futures Institute, and the NBTC Netherlands Board of Tourism & Conventions made key contributions to the international report ‘Envisioning Tourism in 2030 and beyond’.
  • Kennis
  • Onderzoek

In a world without greenhouse gas emissions, there are still growth opportunities for tourism. That is the most encouraging message for the tourism sector in The Travel  Foundation's international report 'Envisioning Tourism in 2030 and beyond'. However, this will require major investments in sustainable transport and accommodation as well as measures to limit the growth of long flights. Air holidays within one's own continent and between continents will still be possible, but the number of flights can no longer grow until 2050.

Read the full report here or if you want to read what is written in the press today, read one of the following articles on the subject in NRIT Media or TravelPro (Dutch only)